Soul coaching

We are living in a time of revolutionary changes and massive transformations that affect each of us individually to a greater or lesser extent.

A great cosmic change is taking place before our eyes, affecting all areas of our lives and transforming us down to the deepest levels.

The time of awakening has finally arrived and souls are coming forward more and more clearly in their own way. The soul self wants to be recognised and the truth of the soul wants to be lived.

Every soul carries a divine plan that it has brought with it into this life, and recognising and fulfilling it is the real goal of life. Every person is unique, one of a kind and irreplaceable and has its own special place in the puzzle of life in this world. It is important to take this place, to take life into one's own hands and to do what is necessary to live in this world that has fallen out of order. This is the path that brings us personal freedom, clarity, wisdom and insights into higher cosmic knowledge and thus leads us back to divine order.

Seen from the light of the soul, it seems clear and simple. However, I know from experience that the search for the true self can be quite arduous and pausing and looking at one's own life situation can be painful and confusing in order to find a constructive decision.

Thank God my higher consciousness gave me essential impulses for this and the right people were guided into my life at exactly the right moment. I am still grateful to these few people because they gave me valuable support and loving guidance through their pure intention, appreciative exchange and their personal messages to me transmitted through spiritual connection.

Today I feel ready, called and empowered to pass on exactly these gifts I have received to the people who are guided to me.

I only want to conduct these soul coaching sessions face-to-face and in my energetically charged ‘heavenly’ room. There we can meet at eye level, connected in heart, trusting and loving.

If you feel addressed and would like to book an appointment and/or have any questions, please send me an e-mail, which I will be happy to answer as soon as possible:
