Invocation to the Green Flame of Healing
In the name of my beloved I AM Presence, I now call upon my galactic family of Light, the beloved Ascended Masters, the beloved Master HILARION and PALLAS ATHENA, the great angelic hosts, Archangel RAPHAEL, MOTHER MARY and the mighty Elohim of the 5th Ray HALCYON and GENESIS. I ask these blessed Beings of Light, to support the power of this invocation with the light of a thousand suns and to amplify, intensify and multiply the energy of the Great Central Sun.
Beloved Almighty I AM Presence! Charge and fill my mind, my soul and my body with divine peace, love, harmony, abundance, health, joy and bliss. Fill my whole being, and my aura with your energy and let me see, feel and perceive my world through your eyes and evoke and be the manifestation of the Divine Plan.
In the name of my beloved I AM Presence, the Spirit of Oneness of all the Ascended Masters and all angelic legions, all cosmic guardians and custodians and guardians of the earth and the beings of the inner earth, I request and command your help and your assistance in my ascension and the purification of my being and my whole world.
I now call forth THE GREEN FLAME OF HEALING in order to purify my Third Eye so that I can see my world through the eyes of God in divine perfection. Heal my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body and my etheric body to fulfill the Divine Plan with ease and grace. Allow the perfect New Earth to enter my life and my world now.
Beloved I AM Presence, shine and radiate in me, through me and around me this day and night and take complete command of all the coincidences in my path! I give you all power to dispose of all my thoughts, feelings, words and actions at all times.
I am now living in a wonderful reality to live a higher dimensional life of love, peace, harmony, health, creativity, abundance, joy and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for all life.
I decree this for the highest good of all that is there in divine service and light, now and forever.
It is done. It is done. It is done.
Thank you, beloved Almighty I AM