THE WISDOM OF THOTH, the Atlantean

Both ATLANTIS and EGYPT once stood in the light of wisdom from the very highest dimensions of consciousness, which was preserved and kept safe by THOTH until our time...

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Message from Pallas Athena from the Karmic Council at the end of time

Received by Gabriele Schmitz on 29.12.2024. Beloved incarnated beings of light and servants of light! I AM Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, and I have the honour to bring you loving greetings from the members of the Karmic Council...

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LADY VESTA speaks to the Light Service on 21.12.2024

empfangen von MichaelGeliebte Strahlen des Lichtes auf der Erde in einem menschlichen Kleid aus Fleisch und Blut. Ihr tragt nicht nur einen sichtbaren physischen Körper, um damit Erfahrungen in Raum…

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Through the veil

Namaste, dear people! The divine wisdom and love in me greet the light of wisdom and love in your hearts...

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Dancing on the volcano

My beloved servants of light! In the green radiation of truth, I, Pallas Athena, bring you my loving, truthful words from the Temple of Truth in the etheric realm above the island of Crete...

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August is the month of harvest and light

In 1987, the so-called "Harmonic Convergence" took place in this month, where the Archangel MICHAEL awakened many souls from sleep who had made themselves available as His Light Warriors...

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