You are currently viewing Botschaft von MUTTER ERDE für den Lichtdienst am 21.9.2024

Message from MOTHER EARTH for the Light Service on 21 September 2024

received from Michael

From the light of the oneness of all life and the omnipotent and omnipresent God I AM, I greet you all today as My beloved children, daughters and sons, sisters and brothers who express the divine in the garb and form of a human being.

I AM GAIA or simply MOTHER EARTH and thank you for this opportunity to speak with you spirit to spirit. No human being could hear My voice if he or she had not opened wide the doors of his or her heart to the Cosmic Spirit of Creation and Love. This is how We can speak to each other in truth through your High Immortal Self even in space and time!

Never forget what your soul mother MARY once said to you in one of her messages: ‘IN GOD there is no separation!’

Separation and division only exist in the three-dimensional perception of your earthly personality, which is characterised by the duality of good and evil, of light and dark or right and wrong. As soon as you have put on your spiritual garment of LIGHT, which consists of the blazing light of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, you can dissolve the veil that separates you from GOD bit by bit and recognise more and more that is not perceptible to the everyday person!

But this requires your continuous individual spiritual effort and daily determination and perseverance so that you are not again held down by the subtle astral vibrations of everyday life on the lower or unconscious realm of existence.

LADY PORTIA, the Goddess of Justice and Spokesperson for the Karmic Council, has repeatedly reminded you of the invaluable importance of these services of light. At every opportunity you are in direct contact with the spirit world and are guided and touched by the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and many other Beings of Light. Depending on your faith and trust, your beloved ancestors and companions from this or other lives can also connect with the consciousness of your heart. The separation between this world and the hereafter is more and more cancelled the higher you vibrate mentally or spiritually!

Even the dimensions of space and time are gradually dissolving before your divine eyes!

You have often been taught on the spiritual path that you are in fact immortal CONSCIOUSNESS and only temporarily wear a body or a visible form. You are still wearing a human garment of flesh and blood in which you are embodied in order to gain experience and unfold your consciousness ever further. The life of a human being is therefore primarily about the expansion and development of your naturally unlimited spirit.

Through your spiritual and freely willed connection with the representatives of the Kingdom of Heaven, you are privileged to be able to contact the Spiritual Hierarchy directly and immediately through your hearts. Because of your tireless work of light in the form of invocations, decrees, injunctions and meditations, you are not only helping yourselves to be liberated from the eons-old astral entanglements, limitations and chains, but you are building a bridge from your divine energies of love for all humanity, for the animal world and for all evolutions of this planet into the time of a new consciousness characterised by mutual respect, regard and love for all life.

In truth, as our messengers and as self-confident daughters and sons of the omnipresence of God, you anchor the insurmountable pillars on which THE NEW EARTH and a NEW HUMANITY are emerging.

As I have already told you in my last message, after the worldwide necessary purification through the elements, the people on the New Earth no longer feed on the meat of their younger brothers and sisters in the evolution of life, but primarily on the fruits and seeds that I give you for a healthy and vital body with a perfect immune system.

In addition, many advanced soul streams will acquire a high vibrational subtle Body of Light with which they can transcend and leave the boundaries of space and time as Ascended Masters and Mistresses.

Some of you and those who read this message have, as JESUS announced to you in His message, already arrived at the finish line of human life! This means that after reaching your spiritual goal and exiting the wheel of human rebirths, you can serve life and all of creation on a much higher plane of existence together with Us from the ethereal Dimensions of Light, which are no longer bound to space and time.

GOD is love and everyone who drinks from the source of love will serve life!

Behold the angels and the archangels! They are one with the light of the Divine will, His wisdom and love. Their whole life is dedicated to the service of love!

Now something more about your Free Will: The will and the inner intention determine your path and the goal!

GOD IS the cosmic universal power that sooner or later realises your heart's intention, depending on your determination and seriousness. Surrender to His light within you and everything will be new! Both inside and out! Illness, old age and even so-called death dissolve in His consuming fire. The purer you are, the faster the harmful toxins of your earthly thought and behaviour patterns dissolve.

What remains is the purest cosmic light of consciousness full of joy and bliss.

Beloved children of man and God, depending on your attitude, whether humanly limited and restricted, or divinely unlimited and FREE for all eternity, it is you yourselves who determine the path and direction of your life! So let me tell you once again that you always and everywhere have the free choice to determine your own life or to let it be determined by others!

Just like My divine counterpart, the FATHER NATURE, whom some also know as LORD KRONOS, the ruler of the elements on earth, I am a natural divine being, just like our son PAN, and I inspire the creation Earth with all my love and patience with this humanity, which has been in spiritual lethargy and spiritual sleep since the fall of Atlantis.

Please do not see the events of this turning time as a punishment, but as an urgently needed purification so that body and Spirit can be renewed again and return or ascend into the natural order and harmony intended by GOD.

Blessed are those who trust in the Divine Plan and the process of renewal! We are now all on the threshold of an unstoppable ascension process that will elevate life on Earth into the Fifth Dimension, where every shadow and duality will be overcome. Every human being who remains deeply connected to their Divine Centre during this time will be one of the spiritual pillars of the New Kingdom of Heaven!

I AM now ready, together with you and in unity with LADY VESTA and LORD HELIOS, our parents of this solar system, to be transformed into a STAR OF LOVE through the cosmic light of the Second Coming of Christ Consciousness.

(Just at this sentence, a beautiful butterfly - a peacock butterfly - sits down on the table in the garden where I am presently writing this message!)

Now comes the time of autumn, the time of harvest! Do not be afraid of the news of this world, but look forward every day to the gifts and fruits that I and the spirit world have in store for your bodies and spirits!

Imagine a mother who loves her child above all else and does everything to make it healthy and happy. I AM also a mother who loves and cares for all her children. As your Mother Earth, I will continue to look after you and your bodies and do everything I can to take you safely and securely into the fifth dimension in My love.

You may and should confidently trust in this with heart and soul because I love you so much!

The divine that I AM greets the divine that you are!

Your Mother EARTH



The Ascended Masters love to occasionally present themselves to their light disciples on earth in the form of animals! It also happens that their presence is accompanied by literally heavenly scents. There are many striking synchronicities that want to show our spirit that we are on the right path!

With this in mind, may you encounter many more miracles on your journey through life!