Both ATLANTIS and EGYPT once stood in the light of wisdom from the very highest dimensions of consciousness, which was preserved and kept safe by THOTH until our time.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean are among the oldest and most secret works of wisdom literature. The wisdom that has been handed down to us from him was the foundation stone of Atlantis and many other ancient advanced civilisations on our planet.
Today, Thoth is regarded by many as the builder of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx in ancient Egypt. As an Ascended Master, he was able to build structures above and below ground from Cosmic Light Substance and seal away many as yet undiscovered secrets until the next Golden Age.
He already knew in Atlantis and also at the time of the high civilisation of Egypt that a time would come when people would once again bid farewell to all good powers in order to give in to their lower nature and thus become entangled in ever greater darkness.
Even the age of Lemuria came to a dark end. Then followed the downfall of Atlantis after an almost unrivalled period of prosperity due to the abuse of knowledge by various priests and the turning away of their followers from all that was good, true and beautiful! (Approximately 50,000 to 32,000 BC)
Many of us still carry the traces of history in our etheric body, where all our memories are stored! Everything is recorded through space and time in the Akashic Records! This means that almost all of us have already had incarnations in Lemuria, Atlantis and Egypt and have now all come together again at the end of the Ancient Era to reap the cosmic harvest.
As a reminder: The Great Pyramid (Giza) was a huge complex for initiation into the very highest cosmic levels! Even today there are (albeit hidden) connections to the galaxies and other stars. The adepts were taught there, among other things, how to overcome old age, illnesses of all kinds and even death and how to establish an inner connection to the universe and ALL THAT IS (we call it GOD).
Jesus of Nazareth, who according to biblical tradition left his homeland with his parents at the age of 12 to move to Egypt, was also consecrated as CHRIST in the Great Pyramid and then returned to his homeland as the prophesied MESSIAH to fulfil and complete his divine destiny.
It is no coincidence that today, in our time, more and more channels are being called and awakened to their task of medially passing on the wisdom of past cultures to their fellow human beings. The WISDOM OF GOD is and remains eternally the same and can always and everywhere be revealed individually and lived in a new way. It is only a question of faith and individual attitude whether I want to serve or harm life.
Wisdom and truth are timeless and eternal! Wisdom and truth lead us to freedom from the bonds of the visible world.
Every soul that sings the song of freedom and deeply longs for it can find in the teachings of the wisdom of Thoth the way to free itself forever from all the shackles and chains of human consciousness! I can well understand why Thoth is worshipped by the devout Egyptians as ‘the immortal god of knowledge and wisdom’. The only question, as always and everywhere, is whether I actually apply the wisdom given to me!
In order to come out of our ignorance and spiritual lethargy, which has been cultivated and artificially maintained and conditioned for thousands of years, we must open our hearts wide to encounter the wisdom of THOTH or the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. The normal earthly mind is not able to see beyond the limited field of vision, but continues to keep our consciousness trapped in our three-dimensional world.
However, if we succeed in harmoniously reuniting spirit, body, soul and mind, then the path is clear to unlimited heights, i.e. dimensions that are also beyond space and time.
The portals to these high dimensions are and will be opened parallel to our earthly worlds of experience for all souls who are mature and have learnt enough from their experiences to enter the path home into pure original consciousness!
Anyone who has followed our contributions knows that we are in truth pure consciousness in an earthly body. When the spirit awakens in this body and takes control of the consciousness, the path of the soul is free to return home, so to speak! Home to GOD, from whose heart we have been sent out to express his light as his rays in the world of forms and shapes.
After an infinite journey through space and time and countless embodiments, our spirit returns to the light of the unity of all-that-is.
Many souls have now arrived at this point in human history and are becoming more and more awake, clairaudient and clairsentient as a result of events. This means that they are intuitively sensing, feeling and experiencing ever ‘brighter’ things. Step by step, they detach themselves from the darkness, which they now want to overcome forever. Of course, the dark has always been a part of ourselves and therefore enables us to see through it. But we can now let it go in order to be only pure divine light full of wisdom and love for all life.
Our focus determines the direction we have chosen. In other words, this means that our decision also includes all the consequences!
Those who choose THE LIGHT OF GOD will also see and recognise it more and more clearly. Since you have all decided in favour of the path of light now - otherwise you would not be reading this - ‘the beings of light’ will now come ever closer to you in accordance with your trust and touch your heart!
Start thinking spiritually! That is, start thinking and feeling divinely! Stop separating yourselves from the wholeness of all life! And also stop allowing others to separate you from your innate divinity!
Then you will also now understand that the ‘wedding feast’ - the high time of the union of the human with the divine - the marriage of God and the human - has begun!
With these words you are already now enveloped by the spiritual presence of high beings of light and perhaps you will remember what is still unimaginable for humans, that physical immortality is only a question of the development of consciousness, of conscious existence!
Overcoming old age, illness and death is made possible for those spiritual beings, including the embodied, who trust in the omnipresence of God, the I AM, without net or bottom. Those who follow CHRIST and the reliable teachings of eternal wisdom will no longer (have to) see death!
You do not need to undertake expeditions to distant lands to meet the immortal masters, but the journey leads to yourself in the inner eternal light of the I AM.
Thoth summarises this:
‘Sing the song of freedom. Sing the song of the soul. Create the high vibration that allows you to become one with the whole. Merge with the cosmos, become one with the light!
Be a channel of order, a path of law for the world!
Your light is the great light that shines through the shadows of the flesh. You must rise from darkness to freedom before you can become one with the light.
Always seek wisdom. Do not allow your body to lead you astray. Stay on the path of light. Avoid the path of darkness. Know that wisdom never fades, it has existed since the soul has existed.
I will bring you past knowledge, lost in the darkness that surrounds you.
Know that YOU are the highest of all things! Only the knowledge of this has been forgotten. It was lost when humankind was thrown into bondage, bound and shackled by the chains of darkness.
Know that you are only spirit. Do not let your body be a shackle. Cast off the darkness and travel in the light. Strip off your body and be free, truly a light that is one with all.’ ( From: The Emerald Tablets for Today and Tomorrow)
‘God has given your souls wings so that they may soar into the heaven of freedom and love. Why do you cut them off and crawl like insects on the surface of the earth?’
( Khalil Gibran )