received from Michael
Beloved Rays of Light on Earth in a human garment of flesh and blood. Not only do you carry a visible physical body to gain experience in space and time, but you also all carry the sunlight of My love and wisdom in your hearts. From this heart-light of unity of all that is good, true and beautiful, I speak here and now to each one of you who wants to follow My words. Thank God you have come to do so today.
So now I ask you to silence the mind with all its limited ideas and expectations for a while, to enter into the unlimited light of your heart, into the chamber where the Immortal Threefold Flame of Life blazes and connects you with the whole universe and all the galaxies.
Some are attending one of the Light Services for the first time today, where literally heaven and earth are united!
The wider you open the Cup of your consciousness on these occasions, the more you can perceive and feel. In doing so, you can consciously and confidently trust that ALL IS ONE IN GOD. As humans, you only experience separation through your earthly conditioned mind.
In this blessed space and sanctuary, all realms of light are now connected with each other and also the beyond with this world. This means that during the meditation following My words you can also make contact with your loved ones or your spiritual companions through the medium of your heart's love. Time and time again you have learnt that love is the strongest power in the universe. It is, and with it you can draw everything you desire into your consciousness like a magnet!
It is attention that connects and unites. That is why I now ask you as your Mother VESTA to listen carefully to Me and to the message that I am giving you today from the heart of your sun, because it contains a spiritual code to be redeemed and liberated from the bars of the worldly matrix. The mere fact that you know My name and turn to Me for a short time will work wonders on your further path of life!
I do not wear a body of water and blood like you, but a solar body of fire and light. But THE LIFE that we all ARE is the same. Simply call it GOD, whose LIGHT consists of LOVE, WISDOM and boundless POWER. As the source of light and wisdom of this solar system, I carry the Golden Crown of Enlightenment in My hands for each of you.
As you have known for a long time, no one leaves the wheel of rebirth until the Lord of the Seraphim, Lord SERAPIS BEY, witnesses the ascension in the temple above Luxor in Egypt and then hands your spirit over to My hands and HELIOS. At the feast of your coronation, all your visible and invisible companions of today and then and all your guardian spirits, angels and archangels will be present. On this festive occasion you will finally meet every Ascended Master face to face and your joy and glory will surpass all imaginations you ever had as a human being.
I tell you this so that from today you can look forward with anticipation and unshakeable determination not only to Christmas next week but to your future home, the pure divine LIGHT!
This is not the first time that I have spoken to you in a Light service. Your Father-God HELIOS has also already promised you in His message that hope and fulfilment rest in you as Our Children of the Sun, so that this earth can finally rise out of the darkness to become a star of light.
Now you are coming with great progress into the New Golden Age of the great Ascended Master SAINT GERMAIN, in which the Kingdom of Heaven is to manifest on Our beloved planet Earth. And each of you and those who later hear or read this message from the heart of My Presence and trust My words are called to help with all your strength, wisdom and love to fulfil the Will of God on Earth.
Like every human being, you still wear the bond of forgetfulness on your forehead. But in the coming days and especially in the coming year, We will raise the fire in the sun and in your heart flames so that your memory will reappear before your Third Eye and the wisdom of Atlantis and ancient Egypt will re-emerge! Ask and you will receive!
Prepare yourselves now with joy and do not allow yourselves to be drawn into the turbulence of the necessary cleansing processes and temporary, seemingly chaotic social conditions. Both the Light network of Atlantis and the Christ Light network are now ready to protect you safely and usher in the time that all of creation is so eagerly awaiting!
The earth will continue to turn and will safely survive the process of ascension into the Fifth Dimension, accompanied and protected by invisible powers!
Remain in the centre of your heart, where the LIGHT OF CHRIST is being reborn!
In view of the current quality of time, I would like to take this opportunity to say something more: The approach of the Christmas holidays brings the presence of the now Ascended Masters and Mistresses ever closer to humanity, regardless of whether people are aware of it or not.
At Christmas time, the love of the angels and the whole heavenly kingdom is poured out powerfully over the whole earth as a great blessing and flows like a golden rain of particles of light into all human affairs. All life is touched by it!
In addition to the blessing of this time, under the direct guidance and direction of the Spirit of Unity of the Great White Brotherhood in co-operation with all students of Light in the world, a tremendous radiation of CHRIST Light is being added from all sanctuaries, all places of Light and Temples of Light in the etheric realm of the planet. So also from this focus in honour of the Archangel Michael and all the participants of a Light service.
Behold with your inner eyes the light and blessing that is being radiated from this room to the whole world through your presence and invocations and amplified by the angelic legions.
You may be interested to know that at this very time the Karmic Council is gathered in the Precipitating Temple of the Great White Brotherhood and is directly connected to this field of love. For the hearts of all members have been closely connected to this sanctuary for a long, long time and embrace everyone who is physically or spiritually participating in this occasion today.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasise once again what has been quoted so often but is still not understood. JESUS already taught it clearly as a human being: Everything that I have done, you can also do!
Are you ready to go beyond the limitations of general human consciousness in order to put on the robe of light of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS with My assistance?
Your individual consciousness in accordance with the Free Will that has been given to every human being on Earth is the only focal point through which the I AM Presence can pour out the Cosmic CHRIST Consciousness to guide you with the Light of Knowledge to perfect enlightenment and lasting mastery. This requires your individual intention and unshakeable determination to follow the path of the light of love and wisdom day by day and never to halt!
Imagine if HELIOS and I were to cover our LIGHT for just one day, what would happen on our planets for which we are responsible. But THE LOVE lets us shine eternally to let LIFE flourish and blossom everywhere, according to the plan of ALPHA AND OMEGA, our Great Central Sun.
So I wish for you at Christmas that you too, as our children of light, our daughters and sons, ignite the divine spark in man to CHRIST - FIRE, which purifies and renews everything in and around you. Where you are, pure light shall be and reign - pure divine light in a human garment!
So I ask you in the name of the whole Kingdom of Heaven and in the name of the Light of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this Solar System that each one of you may BE a CHRIST on earth in a garment of flesh and blood - a focus of unquenchable fire of enthusiasm and spiritual light following the example of your brother Jesus and his blessed parents Mary and Joseph, an incarnation of Saint Germain.
May you resolve today and begin to reach the state of re-union with the omnipresence of God, rather than listening to the noise of the outer world and continuing to pay attention to illusions, lies and deceptions.
By radiating like a sun the Divine Light of wisdom, purity, love, truth, healing, grace, kindness, determination, peace and compassion for all life, you will separate yourselves more and more from the influence of the lower planes and dimensions and transform into immortal eternal youth and beauty! For this is the law of life and the fulfilment of the promise that in that time there will be no more sickness, old age or death.
Will you give Me as your source of light and HELIOS as your sun god and father of this solar system the trust and the opportunity to help you with this?
I have spoken to you from the light of the almighty I AM Presence, the supreme source of life of all suns and galaxies.
I AM your Solar Mother and Goddess of Light VESTA and I rejoice every time you look into My solar eyes with gratitude and appreciation and remind you that you are also to be solar beings of love!