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Dancing on the volcano

Message from Pallas Athena received by Gabriele Schmitz

My beloved servants of light!

In the green radiation of truth, I, Pallas Athena, bring you my loving, truthful words from the Temple of Truth in the etheric realm above the island of Crete.

I am very happy about the increasing search for the truth, and about the people who were previously still rather closed, but who are now reacting much more consciously to the inconsistencies, manipulations and deceptions in your 3D world. It is becoming clear that an awakening process has been set in motion that can no longer be stopped by those who for millennia have successfully prevented people from recognising their true origin and accepting their very own creative power. The time has come for the fulfilment of divine laws and the divine plan for this planet and all people and living beings on it, and no one can escape this, no matter how powerful they may seem to be, no matter how much they are supposed to be able to pull all the strings and have everything under control, as they have done for so long.

You, who have clearly heard the call of your soul and are resolutely serving the light, know the quality of this time. You feel the powerful waves of energy from the cosmos reaching you and Mother Earth, have opened yourselves to them and welcome them as an opportunity to grow and be lifted to a new level of frequency and consciousness. Your consciousness is wide awake and joyfully excited about your spiritual growth and the many new possibilities. Your bodies cannot quite keep up with the new energy yet and sometimes struggle to make the necessary changes towards the crystalline light body. Be patient with yourself, don't expect too much at once and don't put yourself under pressure. Your body reacts and works in its own way and this takes time. Cellular remodelling is extremely extensive. Feel your body and sense when it needs rest or a break. Trust your own individual perception and your body signals.

This time is particularly challenging NOW, demands a lot from people and it is sometimes difficult to maintain physical balance and inner harmony. The overall situation is like dancing on a volcano that can erupt at any time.

I choose this image deliberately because Mother Earth is very restless and will change. As a necessary prerequisite for her and your ascension process, an intensive cleansing cannot be avoided, whereby the elements play their part. All of this is also causing restlessness for people, because after all you are closely connected to each other. Pay attention to the signs of the times!

I advise you to work with Mother Earth on a daily basis and to connect with her and the elements that make up your body. A good way to do this is to absorb the energies of Lady Gaia through your foot chakras, walk barefoot and spend as much time as possible in nature. You are also, whether consciously or unconsciously, a transformer for the cosmic light that is increasingly coming in through your crown chakra. Not only does it transform your bodies, but you can also share it with Mother Earth through your foot chakras.

Open your hearts to her divine patience with the human kingdom and let her feel your love and appreciation! In the light of your gratitude, you will be able to perceive her presence ever more clearly through the veil. For gratitude acts like etheric fire, which gradually dissolves the astral vapours from which the earthly veil has arisen and replaces them with the light of truth and knowledge! Without the gifts of Mother Earth and Father Nature, you would not be able to experience a healthy and happy life.

The global political situation is playing with fire, unsettling, chaotic and supposedly uncontrollable. This fuels fears that weaken you. It is part of the dark forces' game. Your basic trust and inner peace are of the utmost importance for your condition. Instead of following the messages of your outer transient world, seek the connection to the eternal Divine, your friends and helpers from the Spiritual Hierarchy, who out of pure love are only waiting for your call. We are ready to serve, of that you can be sure!

Before your world is fully revealed in the new light, all that is old and dark must pass away. This is the natural course of things. You will now experience the decline of the old world with all its godless systems ever more clearly and distinctly.

The best preparation for you is to train your inner perception and trust your individual intuition. You must be able to find your inner guidance regardless of any external situation and only follow it, the voice of your High Self, the universal I AM. This can lead you out of every dark and seemingly hopeless dead end in space and time back home into the light. My service to humanity consists essentially in teaching them the path of truth and thereby leading them home into the true freedom of the spirit. The Green Ray of Truth is also the Ray of Healing and Concentration.

So learn to stop looking for the answers to all your questions in the chaotic outside world, but concentrate on the inner light of God, which envelops you in light and love everywhere and always protects and guards you.

Take the opportunity to ask the Kingdom of Heaven for spiritual guidance at any time.

I AM Pallas Athena and will be at your side immediately when you call upon me!