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About the Now Time

Spiritually speaking, we are NOW living in the time before our new birth.

Many human souls have almost reached the end of their life journey through space and time and are being prepared these days for their permanent rebirth into the higher dimensions. Our beloved Earth urgently needs the awakening of our spiritual power, which is anchored and innate in all of us. The outer contractions are only natural phenomena of time. It is the Cosmic Hour in which the Christ Consciousness now awakens individually and flows out of the human limited consciousness into the divine unlimited consciousness. The spirit ("Divine Spark"), which has been dormant in man for so long, awakens again after ages of development to its eternal unconquerable divinity. And already it is cracking mightily in the shells of the ossified ideas of those who do not yet want to or cannot get out of their habitual thought patterns and thought forms. But all souls who deeply sense and intuitively feel in their hearts that their hour has also come are now being awakened in all corners of the earth by the voice and the increasing radiant light of truth.

That which until now could only be hinted at in all scriptures and traditions is now being revealed to those who are inwardly ready for it, and who intuitively know that there are no coincidences on their spiritual path of development!

Everything was put together for their spiritual destiny according to their divine programme, and no word could touch the bottom of their heart if the ground for it was not yet fertile. Love is always a matter of trust and surrender. The universal riches and the entire fullness of the grace of the Creator of heaven (spirit) and earth (matter) are available to all His children, His daughters and sons. But only a few have the faith and trust to cross the bridge that leads them through the humanly caused and created astral veil directly into the arms of their sisters and brothers who have mastered life "as a human being" and are now again constantly consciously connected with their and our "Father" who speaks: I AM the I AM from eternity to eternity.

These words do not come from any personal source of the earthly mind, but directly from the source of the spirit which connects and unites all hearts, precisely from the spirit of the unity of all that is good, true and beautiful.

Whatever happens in the coming days, we are all a part of this happening and each one determines for himself according to his free will whether he will unconditionally entrust himself to the presence of God I AM in his heart and follow his divine Inner Voice or whether he will continue to follow the ideas that are more or less conditioned and adapted to this world and the entity of the earthly personality.

Everyone deeply discovers his own truth during these days and chooses for himself his inner friends from the Divine Spiritual World, whom his soul follows with confidence. Moreover, everyone has gathered and stored different ideas and individual experiences in the course of their aeon-long journey. But we are all in the same place now, on Earth, and we have all gathered here at the same time in human history to participate in the birth of the New Earth and a new humanity!

Everything is happening now according to Cosmic Laws and according to our trust in God, whom we may call in fullest confidence our Source and experience as the Father within us. And in the light of his love and presence in ourselves, the CHRIST-LIGHT, we may be sure that nothing can separate us from the truth any more. For truth and love are also our way and our programme! Unless one is still "personally programmed", i.e. occupied with all kinds of worldly illusions and deceptions.

Everything in the visible outer world is only a parable for the souls to enter the eternal light of truth and love through the gate that is invisible and closed to the earthly mind.

Even though many may still receive these words with a human mind, it already contains the NEW ENERGY for our heart and spirit, with which everyone can initiate his or her spiritual NEW-BIRTH by expanding the spiritual soul wings ever further!

This "picture" is also only a parable for our innate power and our mighty soul-wings, which raise us as far above time and space as our individual trust makes it possible! The Golden Armour of Wisdom is also our own!

Everything is just a matter of consciousness!!!