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August is the month of harvest and light

In 1987, the so-called "Harmonic Convergence" took place in this month, where the Archangel MICHAEL awakened many souls from sleep who had made themselves available as His Light Warriors before this incarnation to play their individual role in unity with Him for the Divine Plan in the time of change.

Time has progressed 37 years since then and there has been much to do! There is also much to do in this month of August and it is still important to be and remain wide awake!

We are now getting closer and closer to the ZENITH of Light (culmination) and the worlds of consciousness are separating more and more clearly and distinctly from each other. While more and more human souls have consecrated themselves fully and resolutely to the LIGHT of the omnipresence of GOD, others are still clinging to the illusions and deceptions of the dark forces, which are becoming ever more violent and godless in the face of their hopeless situation. They try to hold their power in their lightless claws by means of fear.

With every soul that completely surrenders to CHRIST in trust and follows His voice of LOVE in its heart, the tyrants and old rulers lose the ground beneath their feet. The reign of light is cosmically established and everyone who is true to his/her divine nature will reach the Fifth Dimension, i.e. the high vibrational spiritual dimension where every shadow and the duality of being is overcome.

The Divine Plan is for this precious Earth to rise to a Star of Light and everyone can (still) decide if they are ready to be a part of it.

There will still be many signs and events to awaken as many people as possible to the light of their origin and lead them home to their source (Father-Mother-GOD).

The LIGHT OF CHRIST has already reached our beloved earth and is working in a powerful way on the inner level of the heart and in the foreseeable future also on the surface of this paradisiacal planet created by GOD.

Yes, our earth is still a paradise garden filled with an unlimited diversity of life! August in particular reveals and unveils the creative diversity of animals, butterflies, beetles, flowers, trees, mushrooms and plants to the souls of people and is also a "harvest month" when wheat and chaff are separated in the fields (of life).

The wisdom of the heart can interpret and understand every parable in the outer world! It needs no evidence for the mind, which cannot comprehend the love, grace and wisdom with which life is created anyway.

Let us no longer be divided by earthly opinions and distracted from our inner perfect nature, which is truly divine and unlimited!

NOW is the time of resurrection and spiritual awakening!!! Many can already cross over through the spiritual portal into the 5th dimension this month, if it corresponds to the individual intention.

The Archangel MICHAEL and the SPIRIT OF UNITY (CHRIST) of all that is GOOD, TRUE and BEAUTIFUL are waiting for your homecoming into the Eternal Light!

Focus now on your consciousness and give thanks that you carry a body to express your light in the visible world of humans.

Use the opportunity of this life to free yourself from the chains of the earthly personality forever and be a shining example in space and time of the almighty presence of God I AM.