The Key to the NEW EARTH

A short time ago I was given the key to the NEW EARTH in a meditation, but I knew immediately that it contained more than just visualising the new earth...

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The message of the rose

Nature has always been a teacher for people. It shows possibilities of unfolding a power that often makes people marvel and become humble. This rose from our garden just gives us an example of the possibilities of unfolding in life itself...

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Message from MOTHER MARY for Mother's Day

received through Michael in the early morning hours of May 14. Beloved sisters and brothers of My Heart, as the Divine Mother that I AM, I embrace you all with the energy of Heaven contained in these words...

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Appeal to Alertness

From the spiritual world we know that in our time one stargate after the other is being opened, which will sustainably and permanently influence and activate the consciousness of all mankind by the flooding of cosmic energies...

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Raise your frequency, your self-vibration!

This is what we hear and read again and again in messages and spiritual texts. Perhaps you can still remember the scene in the film 'The Prophecies of Celestine' when the protagonists simply raised their vibrations...

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Man has a twofold nature - a human and a divine

The human personality is more or less bound to the conditioned mass consciousness, it is mortal and masked. Behind the personality hides the true self. According to the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung...

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Being lighthouses for peace and love

It has always been part of the agenda of the dark forces to start wars and involve as many countries as possible. This is what we are experiencing right now, not only in Europe...

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