We are entering unknown territory

Every human being on this planet is incarnated here right now to experience, even to help create, the transition, the turning point of time into the Golden Age. There are no coincidences in the plan...

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For Advent

A message from Jesus the Christ, for all who have opened wide the doors of their hearts! I AM Jesus, whom you know as the CHRIST, and I come to you today...

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Time of silence and inner reflection

We can only enter silence if we consciously withdraw from external events that constantly distract us more or less from the essential. Silence gives us the necessary peace...

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Why gratitude is a key in life

Gratitude is one of the divine virtues and qualities that permeate our entire lives. Gratitude comes from the source of our heart. The more grateful a person is, the more open he or she is to the wonderful happenings we encounter every day...

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About the Now Time

Spiritually speaking, we are NOW living in the time before our new birth. Many human souls have almost reached the end of their life journey through space and time and are being prepared these days for their permanent rebirth into the higher dimensions...

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Thanksgiving to the water element

In the name and by the power of the Almighty Presence of God I AM, we call upon you Beloved LADY MARE and Beloved LORD POSEIDON, Mistress and Lord of the Water Element.

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